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I never thought I would end up being a painter someday. It all started with a video on youtube, that says "Try new things every day". It was a rainy day and needless to say it was just before the mid semester exam in my 2nd year of Uni. You know when you procastinate about study you often end up doing something else. For me it was putting colors on papers. And then I realized how much I love colors. Something happened, and that day on I started dreaming of colors and patterns and forms. Most of my paintings are something that I had seen in my dreams...rather metaphysical. I love to  dive into the subconcious and try to put those forms, figures, stories and patterns that I'd seen in my dream like state. There are so many untold stories, so many unseen patterns so vibrant distributions of colors and so many un perceived feelings.....just my humble effort to put my emotions in colors.
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